After School Care

Director: Ms. Ashley Nasser

Assistants:  Ms. Cassie Giarusso/Mrs. Ginna Petrillo/Ms. Julie Giampietro/Ms. Kaitlyn Tarro

Saint Mary School provides families with before and after school care.

After School Care is offered from 2:20 – 5:00 PM. Children are to be picked up and signed out in the cafeteria. Pick-up is on Vallon Drive at the Parish Center Entrance. Individuals other than parents who have the authority to pick up should be listed on the emergency care sheets. Rates are $8.00 per hour, 2nd child is $6.00 per hour and the 3rd child is $4.00 per hour. Both indoor and outdoor activities are planned for the children. A snack and drink are also provided. Children have the opportunity to do their homework.

Occasionally on days of inclement weather, our aftercare is canceled. The decision is made by 1:00 PM and parents are notified.

A registration form is filled out by every child in the school at the beginning of the school year. There is a $25.00 registration fee but is not collected unless the program is used.

Snack Variety of nutritious snack foods and fruit drinks
Outdoor Play Kickball, assorted ball games, hoola hoops, jump rope
Quiet Time Homework, homework assistance, reading
Indoor Play Board games, puzzles, Legos, coloring
Arts & Crafts Coloring, painting, gluing
Registration Annual fee of $25 per FAMILY
Hourly Rate $8.00 per hour per child
Bills are sent out monthly
School Days – 2:20 PM until 5:00 PM
All children must be picked up by 5:00 PM
All forms are available from the School Office
Required: Application and Child Pick-Up Authorization
Both forms must be completed to attend